In Praise of John R. Miller

The older I get, the more I respect time, including the time of others, so I’ll get right to the nut of it. If you enjoy thoughtful, relatable, and deftly constructed lyrics, interesting and hummable melodies and arrangements, and rock-solid instincts and musicianship, check out John R. Miller. We saw him last night at Vinyl in Atlanta, and the performance …

A Good Man to Ride the River with Remixed

I’ve remixed that track I wrote after Tom Petty died. I can confidently say the mix is better, but it was a low bar. The vocal was waaaay too forward. I don’t know what happened with the project. The hard drive it was on perished, and I had to grab all my projects from Time Machine. Somehow in that process, …

Perfect Nick Lowe

Well, perfect except the tuning on first one. You, an instrument and your song. That seems a foolproof way to know if you have something.

Instrumental of collapse

Lives changed forever in 2008-2009. Despite what Eric Holder said. No one went to jail, though the innocent will pay the price of others’ misdeeds for the rest of their lives. This track I unearthed is an instrumental of how I feel/felt about that. Until-Outro-5-7-2015-A.mp3

A Nascent Notion to Help Musicians

Dear Jeff Bezos, Daniel Ek and so on, Since most musicians make what money they do make via live performances and touring, these times of sheltering in place shutdown their music -based income, except for the pittance they might make with streaming of recorded material. Let’s change the pittance for now. My thought here is for streaming services (existing or …

Crazy Aunt Christmas

A true song for families with crazy aunts, like our late Aunt Mary: Lyrics: She gives us Christmas fun Vintage Fudge Mix best used by June of ’91 Gifts wrapped in napkins, place mats she’s pilfered or a paper bag can’t make stuff up like that with a scotch she melts into her seat and settles in to take the …

How that Running Down a Dream solo is done.

This guy does a great demonstration of one of the finer solos in classic rock. Easy to see what’s going on, so really a public service for others who want to learn it. I still think learning some of the best licks is a great way to be a better guitarist generally. It all adds to the skill set.

new guitar

Bought the new Eastman E1OM. Unbelievable value, in my opinion. $459, and it sounds and plays like a much more expensive instrument. I like is so much I put an anthem SL pickup in it, which costs, like 40% the price of the actual guitar. That’s how much I like the guitar. This is through a little Yamaha thr10, all …