The album “Songs of the Great Collapse”

Songs of the Great Collapseis a mostly homemade album about losing my life’s savings in “The Great Collapse” and being too far along to do anything about it.

You might have heard the song “Yours to Keep” as the theme song for the podcast Just in Time with the JNT Baggers, a meandering and untethered podcast I’ve always enjoyed by a trio of California stoners.

This album is not sold in stores!  (Advertisers sometimes make this claim as if it’s a selling point, which is pretty funny, actually. It does sound a little better than We have no distribution!)

But, the astounding news is that you can buy it here, and even use cryptocurrency. You can even name your own price, even $0 is you’re poor like me, or $1,000,000 is you’re one of the Wall Street/Harvard Business School scoundrels who brought on the collapse and just feel the urge to blow mass sums of ill-gotten gains on a crushed everyman to salve, if not save, your crusty soul.

Bonus track: “A Good Man to Ride the River with” written for Tom Petty.