Quote from news pundit

As someone who lost it all in the financial crisis, I’m onboard with this, and I’m glad someone noticed the damage done and recognizes it will be done again. — From a transcript of Tucker Carlson 7-25-2019 

“Fifteen years ago this spring, we invaded Iraq to stop a WMD program that didn’t exist. Thousands of American troops died in the process, trillions of dollars were wasted. It was the single greatest mistake in this country in generations. And yet — and here’s the key — nobody in Washington was ever punished for it. The people who planned it went on to even better jobs. One of them is now our national security adviser, John Bolton. Five years after the Iraq War, our economy collapsed. Remember that? The subprime meltdown? The specific causes were complex, but the themes were instantly recognizable — greed and stupidity. And yet, once again, no one was ever punished. Now, fast forward another 11 years to today, right now. America stands on the brink of yet more foolish foreign entanglements, and on the brink of and potentially another financial meltdown. Why is that? Because nobody in Washington has learned anything. And why would they learn anything? When they screw up there are never any consequences. They skate by on the usual mixture of aggression and BS. “Nothing to see here, keep moving.” Imagine for a second, what would happen if you let your kids act like that? Well, they’d been in prison by now. So, maybe it’s time to stop the cycle in Washington. How about this? If you get caught lying about the big things, whether it’s about weapons of mass destruction, or subprime mortgages or Russian collusion, you have to admit it and serve penance, — not necessarily prison time, though we’re open. But punishment of some kind. You can’t stay in Washington, making six times the average American salary. You can’t do that. No, sorry. You’ve got to leave. You’ve got to relocate to Camden, New Jersey, maybe or Gary, Indiana, and do something useful. Like clean motel rooms for minimum wage, put the little “sanitized for your protection” strips on toilets. Not forever, just for a decade or two, until you’ve learned your lesson. Call us when you’ve done that, but not before.”

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