Well, perfect except the tuning on first one. You, an instrument and your song. That seems a foolproof way to know if you have something.
American Blues Redux
Did this one at least six years ago. Sorry to see it has some relevance still.
A President who is proud that no one can tell him anything
I thought we were correcting this.
Sanders on Pandemic wealth disparity
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders Over the past 9 months, 651 billionaires in America became over $1 trillion richer.
During the same time, the working class, the elderly and the disabled were told to survive on just a $1,200 check.
$1 trillion for billionaires. One $1,200 check for the rest. That is immoral. 5:42pm · 19 Dec 2020 · Twitter Web App <help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/how-to-tweet#source-labels>
Things to know before you seek flag help on Craiglist
I had an ad flagged by CL not long ago, so I tried to find out why, which led me to the Craigslist Flag Help forum. I still don’t really know why my ad was flagged, and on reading the forum, you’ll see that’s not unusual. The forum is staffed by volunteers because Craigslist is”community moderated.” If you are planning to post there, please take the time to research first. Read through many requests for help and all the replies. Bear in mind the phrase “community moderated” and adjust your expectations accordingly.
If a post is flagged on Craigslist, it cannot be seen, but when you copy the flagged post in the help forum to find out why it was flagged (mandatory,) your post to the forum cannot be removed.
Be sure to read the Top Reasons Posts are Removed page, but know that in addition to software moderation, according to one reply, an ad can be flagged because someone didn’t care for it emotionally.
“For many readers, flagging is a visceral reaction to how an ad makes them feel.”
The “Help” in the forum, likewise, can generate “help” like:
Simply reading to forum until you find someone with an analogous will problem will probably deliver your best answer, while sparing you having to actually post there.
Ultimately, if the reason isn’t one of the common problems, it’s likely how your ad made some people feel, and that is unpredictable. For example, apparently no one has flagged this, probably because cancelling the holiday pandemic orgy is horrifyingly funny, in a laugh-of-the-damned kid of way.
Lately, I think of this before posting in a forum or on a platform of any kind.
1993: The worldwide web will make the world a smaller place and bring people together!
2020: I had to block someone who got mad at me for a sour dough recipe
People don’t scale well.
Carlin on rights
via: mindofv.blogspot.com/2008/04/excerpt-from-george-carlin-on-rights.html
“Boy everyone in this country is running around yammering about their fucking rights. “I have a right, you have no right, we have a right.”
Folks I hate to spoil your fun, but… there’s no such thing as rights. They’re imaginary. We made ’em up. Like the boogie man. Like Three Little Pigs, Pinocio, Mother Goose, shit like that. Rights are an idea. They’re just imaginary. They’re a cute idea. Cute. But that’s all. Cute…and fictional. But if you think you do have rights, let me ask you this, “where do they come from?” People say, “They come from God. They’re God given rights.” Awww fuck, here we go again…here we go again.
The God excuse, the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument, “It came from God.” Anything we can’t describe must have come from God. Personally folks, I believe that if your rights came from God, he would’ve given you the right for some food every day, and he would’ve given you the right to a roof over your head. GOD would’ve been looking out for ya. You know that.
He wouldn’t have been worried making sure you have a gun so you can get drunk on Sunday night and kill your girlfriend’s parents.
But let’s say it’s true. Let’s say that God gave us these rights. Why would he give us a certain number of rights?
The Bill of Rights of this country has 10 stipulations. OK…10 rights. And apparently God was doing sloppy work that week, because we’ve had to ammend the bill of rights an additional 17 times. So God forgot a couple of things, like…SLAVERY. Just fuckin’ slipped his mind.
But let’s say…let’s say God gave us the original 10. He gave the british 13. The british Bill of Rights has 13 stipulations. The Germans have 29, the Belgians have 25, the Sweedish have only 6, and some people in the world have no rights at all. What kind of a fuckin’ god damn god given deal is that!?…NO RIGHTS AT ALL!? Why would God give different people in different countries a different numbers of different rights? Boredom? Amusement? Bad arithmetic? Do we find out at long last after all this time that God is weak in math skills? Doesn’t sound like divine planning to me. Sounds more like human planning . Sounds more like one group trying to control another group. In other words…business as usual in America.
Now, if you think you do have rights, I have one last assignment for ya. Next time you’re at the computer get on the Internet, go to Wikipedia. When you get to Wikipedia, in the search field for Wikipedia, i want to type in, “Japanese-Americans 1942″ and you’ll find out all about your precious fucking rights. Alright. You know about it.
In 1942 there were 110,000 Japanese-American citizens, in good standing, law abiding people, who were thrown into internment camps simply because their parents were born in the wrong country. That’s all they did wrong. They had no right to a lawyer, no right to a fair trial, no right to a jury of their peers, no right to due process of any kind. The only right they had was…right this way! Into the internment camps.
Just when these American citizens needed their rights the most…their government took them away. and rights aren’t rights if someone can take em away. They’re priveledges. That’s all we’ve ever had in this country is a bill of TEMPORARY priviledges; and if you read the news, even badly, you know the list get’s shorter, and shorter, and shorter.
Yeup, sooner or later the people in this country are going to realize the government doesn’t give a fuck about them. the government doesn’t care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare or your safety. it simply doesn’t give a fuck about you. It’s interested in it’s own power. That’s the only thing…keeping it, and expanding wherever possible.
Personally when it comes to rights, I think one of two things is true: either we have unlimited rights, or we have no rights at all.”