research: Socialism What is the history of socialism in the United States 12-15 minutes Figure 1. Brook Farm was associated with the Utopian socialist movement. Socialism, in the United States at least, has often been seen as a negative term or been associated with other countries, usually dictatorships or Marxist states. Nevertheless, socialism has a long political history in the …

50 former intelligence community officers

You can make anything funnier when answering a question by adding, “according to 50 former intelligence community officials. “Honey, does this make me look fat?” “absolutely not, according to 50 former intelligence community officials!” The burying of the Hunter Biden laptap news in the immediate leadup to the 2020 presidential election, beginning with the censorship of the New York Post …

The propaganda power of editors

Behold this <> lengthy CNN story on negotiations with the Taliban on getting our people and supporters out of Afghanistan, a story that took three reporters and five contributors to write. Now look at what is *not* in this substantial information dump. A few days earlier, Yahoo reported <> that *we are negotiating with one of the people Obama traded …